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John Dereck Hermogeno
Written: April 18, 2022

Published: May 5, 2022







That summer of March when the scorching heat of the sun kissed their skin as they walked their way to school. Everyone braced themelves as the entry to learning opened, trying to squeeze in just to get inside the school on time. It’s hot but having a little gossip with their friends while waiting for the students to empty the rooms was enough to make up for that. Nothing beats the satisfaction of having a sip of hot tea.

That summer of March when everyone anticipated and put tons of determination in learning basic steps in dancing for the most awaited and memorable promenade. Some even bought and prepared their flashy attires weeks before the day of the event. Daydreaming about their crushes asking them out to be their partner is one of the many things that made it more exciting.

Photo grabbed by: Jonalyn Tuangco
Photo grabbed from:

That summer of March when things got hectic in every classroom. Everyone was preparing for the final examinations before venturing into another chapter of their lives. Students were making every second worthwhile. Numerous laughter were heard being shared by teachers and their students and of course, there were pupils overthinking whether they are one of those who will climb up the stage.

Photo grabbed by: Jonalyn Tuangco
Photo grabbed from:

That summer of March when everyone still took effort to attend classes even though there were not much activities left to do. It’s just that they wanted to have a glimpse of everyone’s faces before leaving the school. Those familiar faces they might or might not see again after stepping into another world outside the four-cornered room where everything started.

That summer of March when the announcement of the suspension of classes were disseminated. Everyone rejoiced as those words entered their ears. There is no greater thing than suspension of classes to the ears of the students. Everyone excitedly slid their things back to their bag and left the room without looking back.

That summer of March when everything changed. It was not something everyone had expected. Days were getting dark and depressing. Things got too chaotic, terrifying, draining—every word that can be used to describe the feelings.  

That summer of March when they all wish that everything was just a dream that once they wake up, everything will go back to normal. Everyone was struggling to adjust. Their mental stability was shaken and wrecked. Boredom, anxiety, overthinking, depression haunted them from broad daylight until the dead of the night.

That summer of March was indeed taken for granted. Time flies so fast that they didn’t noticed that it was almost 2 years since…

That summer of March.

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