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Streetlights through the Storm

John Dereck Hermogeno

Published: November 9, 2020

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Streetlamps bear the burden of being on its own during the darkest of times, trying to stand firm and shine brightly---wanting to concede in the battle of who knows what waits beyond. Tell me, is it the virus that everyone is afraid of or the pain and suffering one must endure through each day?

“What should I do? My husband’s and my workplace had been shut down…”  

    A lady cries in front of the reporter, begging the public to at least receive an aid. The folks are one of the 7.3 million Filipinos who lost their job without even a peso to spend on every day’s essentials.


Photo: Juwiel Diano

On the photo: Jowie Diano & Maricar Diano

    They got extremely stressed out trying to feed their toddlers with a tiny amount of money they earned from selling stuffs. In the middle of their supposed lunch, a man on a uniform with an orange logo on it stood outside their small house made of scrap steel roofs. He handed a piece of paper---a paper of despair. An extremely high electricity bill appeared before their eyes.


     Each day passes by; cases of COVID-19 escalate. With no signs of lowering down, civilians have to deal with the uncertainties it brought. Some companies were forced to shut down; some lost their job that caused great impact. Everyone is trying to cope up and deal with stress and anxiety that might lead to depression. But, just like the streetlamps, we may feel isolated during the darkest of times, but we never failed to shine brightly amidst the storm. 

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