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Illustrated White Cats


Real-Life Fantasy

Anrie Rein Santos

Published: July 9, 2020

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There's more to life than just surviving. But sometimes, just surviving is all that you can get.
      I was on my way to work. Transportation system during this pandemic brings much hassle than I ever expected. I was running late and it irritates me. I could have just laid on my bed and done nothing at all but I couldn't because I need to sustain the needs of my family, or else, all of us will die from hunger. 


      The sun's heat made me sweat a lot so I sat on the side bench of a waiting shed. As I rested there, hoping to finally get a bus, I saw this kid staring at me. My heart became soft as I look at her eyes, asking for a little help. 
      I moved a bit to get closer to her and started asking about herself. She became evasive, but I still managed to gain her trust. She began telling her story so I listened to her attentively. 

      Her name was Rhea, a homeless little girl, who roams around Quezon City. She became an orphan at the age of 6, after her parents died from an accident. She was 10 years back then, so she had been living on the streets for four years. I asked her if she knows any of his family members, maybe aunties or cousins, but she didn't answer. 

Photo: Juwiel Diano

On the photo: Gemma Riza & Jade Tolentino

      Rhea mentioned that she wants to be a doctor. I smiled at her bitterly. I felt sad for her knowing that she was just a 10-year-old kid, living alone by herself without any support from anyone. If only I could do anything for her to achieve her dreams, I would. Being exposed in this kind of life at the very young age must be one of the hardest thing to happen in someone's life. 


Photo: Juwiel Diano

On the photo: Gemma Riza & Jade Tolentino

      I envy Rhea for still managing to survive despite of every obstacle that she might encounter every day. But then, life does not always lead to a bad ending. I only hope that someday, I could see her wearing a doctor's uniform and carrying her name on it with a powerful look in her eyes.
After hearing her story, I realized that some people are really much luckier for having a stable life and secured future unlike those who are less-fortunate and not sure if they can survive today or tomorrow’s life, especially, during this pandemic. People like her are the ones who are more exposed to the virus. 
      After the small talks that we had shared, the bus had finally arrived. Before I took the bus, I gave Rhea a small amount of money from my extra. I also provided her a mask, as a small help. I threw her a thumbs up and a big smile. I could see in her eyes that she was happy and that gave me a feeling of relief. 


Photo: Juwiel Diano

On the photo: Gemma Riza & Jade Tolentino

      I looked at my watch and realized that I am already late. But that doesn't bother me, thanks to Rhea. I was on my way to work, and Rhea's braveness still amazed me. Soon enough, I finally reached my destination. I worked hard that day, and will work hard every day with a smile on my face. 

      Dreams are glimpse into life's truth. One day, you'll realize that you are old enough to read fairytales again.

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