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Knight at the

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Justine Jake Gicanal
Written: April 3, 2023 Published: April 21, 2023

The dazzling ambiance and lighting inside the Sampaguita High School are as enthralling as its guests, the Sampaguitarians, during their Junior-Senior Promenade on February 25, 2023.

 After the years of the pandemic outbreak, the junior-senior promenade is back on track, ready to give high school students the privilege of wearing those fancy suits and dresses, and having the chance to be partnered with their colleagues. That day was when everyone was excited about the most awaited and memorable event. 

The Junior-Senior Promenade is a momentous event that marks the culmination of the high school students’ journey. For juniors, it is an exciting prospect that they eagerly await. For seniors, it is a bittersweet moment or one last dance with their friends and classmates before they bid farewell to the school that has been their home for the past four years.

The event started at 3:00 pm in the afternoon. The moment I stepped on the stone floor of the entrance was the time when reality kicked in. The atmosphere was electric as students bustled around, making sure everything was perfect for the big night. It was the moment when the things around me were what I'd seen in those types of ball party scenes in movies. 


The lights that are continuously shining on the floor, the continual playing of romantic and nostalgic music, and the series of laughter and exchanges of compliments among teachers and students. They are the perfect descriptions of what I expected the event to be. beautiful girl with glasses wearing navy blue gown in dandelions.png

As I confronted the beauty of the place inside, a striking figure suddenly came into view. Standing confidently before me was the very woman I’ve been looking forward to be with, adorned in a breathtaking navy blue gown that perfectly highlighted her every curve. The exquisite petticoat draped gracefully around her form, and the glimmering necklace delicately bejeweled her neck, adding a touch of elegance to her overall appearance. She was waiting patiently, looking unbothered despite the scorching heat that makes us want to melt. Nevertheless, that didn't stop her from 

shining. Her captivating presence was simply unmatched, leaving an indelible mark that set her apart from the crowd.

Within the same class we belong and throughout my high school journey, she has been one of my dearest friends. But as time progressed, I grew fond of her, and the boundaries that once united us seemed to fade away. Despite my efforts to restore the old connection that we once shared, a visible sense of distance seems to have settled between us. Maybe because of this affection that craves for more, making it challenging to bring back the closeness we once had. Therefore, at present, all I can do is admire her from afar, witnessing her every move and gaping at her unwavering beauty.

In just a matter of minutes, the students marched their way up the floors of their designated building, forming two lines where boys and girls were separated per section. Carrying a portable fan, that’s what the students used to fight off the heat, waiting patiently for their turn to stride in the middle of the mass. 


Finally, the master of ceremonies announced the entourage. The grand entrance was a sight to behold. The Grade 9 and Grade 10 students, along with the faculty, department heads, principal, and guests, made their way down the aisle, looking all dazzling in their formal attire. Everyone cheered as each person moved along, showing off their elegant outfits and their confident strides.


When the entourage ended, the emcees proceeded with the program's preliminaries. Later on, the principal then took the stage to offer a welcome speech, wherein he thanked everybody for participating and expressed his delight in the efforts of the children at the school. Once he concluded his remarks, there was a resounding applause that signed the beginning of the community song, to which everyone contributed their voices. The area was filled with the melody of the people's voices, creating a touching moment of unity.


Following that, the social dances began, with the juniors taking the floor for the waltz. The students moved in sync, creating a magical and romantic ambiance. The seniors then performed a ballroom dance, showcasing their refined dancing talents. The crowd was enthralled by the performers' talents, and their applause filled the area.


Eventually, the dancers took a break, and then students headed back to their assigned buildings to prepare for supper. They mingled and chatted with each other, enjoying the delicious food and each other's company. After the dinner, the awards ceremony resumed, honoring the awards of the students who participated in competing. As each award recipient was brought up to the stage to receive their well-deserved accolades, the audience was filled with pride and appreciation.


Then there it came—the last phase of the event, the moment of socialization. It was when looking for a partner was more of a pledge. Honestly, there’s this part of me that was hopelessly hoping for someone to dance with, especially that particular woman I’ve been fantasizing to be with the first instant I heard about the return of the so-called event. However, it took me into consideration in which I chose not to entertain the idea because of this fear from the face of rejection. 


However, despite all the efforts to restrain myself from entertaining the idea, things took an unexpected turn, and the decision turned like dusts the second my eyes met hers. I was struck with the realization that perhaps certain choices could still be changed. It was a pivotal moment, one that made me reconsider my previous settlement. Dealing with once-in-a-lifetime experience with her was a gamble that I was willing to take rather than passively standing by and letting the opportunity slip away. 

Despite the numerous what-ifs that mess unstoppably in my thoughts, I refuse to let them cloud my judgment and potentially miss out the chance to hold her. With this in mind, I mustered the bravery out of myself, determined to take the leap of faith and discover what might the future holds. I have lived enough to be this bold. She is worth the million risks after all.

So I scanned the crowd, searching for a gown that resembles the color of an ocean amidst the darkness of the area, guided by the disco lights that merely helped me a little in recognizing faces. Eventually, my perseverance paid off, and I finally spotted her. Still looked stunning in her gown and with that beautiful facade. I had been looking forward to this night for months, and I was determined to make the most of it.


Initially, I was gripped by a moment of hesitation, struggling to summon the courage to approach her. However, as luck would have it, the song that was playing shifted to "Araw-Araw" by the talented band, Ben&Ben. The resonating lyrics and uplifting melody of the song bolstered my inner strength, empowering me to take the plunge towards her. With a deep breath, I motioned my hand towards her, feeling worried of her response. Much to my relief, she accepted the gesture as she took my hand, signaling her approval to dance with me.

Amidst the enchantment of the night, I stood tall and proud, acting like a knight in shining armor, together with the crowd. In this place where time seemed to freeze, we stayed and danced. Our hands were tied like a knot,

not wanting to get loose but rather to be kept intact. Our hearts have never been that close. My heart pounded harder as I gazed beneath, sighting the real beauty of my partner’s glitz.

Looking at the vastness of her two tiny eyeballs made me fall harder. I couldn’t comprehend what I was thinking or how I was feeling. But I knew deep in my soul that I was filled with love that had grown within. After all, it will always 


be those almond-shaped eyes that keep these feelings flowing. With my hand outstretched, we ought to continue. The rhythm of the music carried us away as our hearts beat as one. 

Lost in the moment, the knight and his queen danced on, with nothing but the music and feelings to guide them on. Yet, my gaze never left hers, while the world around us faded in the background. The knight broke free from the control, as if nothing could stop him from being with his special someone. In spite of the irresistible elegance of the people around us, she became the only one that mattered and all I cared about.

Under the twinkling stars above, our tender embrace was witnessed, the way I cherished the dance and the moments we made. I was her devoted knight, and she was my precious queen. It was then that I vowed to do everything in my power to protect her, because I was the one with the armor, destined to keep her safe, for she was the one who taught me how to love this way. 

For the last time, I looked deeply through the depth of her eyes, and then a long-lost flame was reignited within me. Back then, I was just a freshman, a hopeful and naive lad, longing for a chance to interact and to erase the distance that we had. Yet here we were, years later, with a chance to dance—a moment that I had hoped for with every yearning glance. I knew my younger self would be so proud to see me here with her. For this same old spark, this same old feeling, had been reawakened, which I never thought I'd feel again.

As the night came to an end and the music slowly faded away, I realized the boundaries of being in my state, for I was just a knight and not meant to be her king. Still, the knight refused to let his realization diminish the memory they made. It would always be his treasure, one that had set his life on a magical journey. For in his heart, this memory would live on forever. 

​ A guy watching a girl wearing a navy blue gown walk away after they danced d

That instance marked the most memorable day of my promenade experience. It’s really the best night to remember and the most exhilarating part of high school experience. The junior-senior promenade was more than just an event; it was a rite of passage, a symbol of the bonds that had been forged, the friendships that had been made, and the reminiscences that would last a lifetime.

As we danced the night away, I couldn't help but smile. The simple act of dancing with her had become the best highlight of my night. While destiny only grants us a brief length of time, I truly enjoyed every second of it, savoring all of them in greater depth. Though we got separated by that limited span of lifetime, at least in that chapter of my life, I somehow realized, she is the one.


No matter what the future holds, one thing is certain - everything will eventually come to an end. But I am grateful for the best decision I ever made - taking my shot at that unforgettable dance.

As I watched her leave the place, I was well aware that sooner or later, every tale comes to a close. Even this event will become a mere footnote in history, and our story may fade into the pages of time. Perhaps no one will recall the night when the knight fought for her queen. The moment he conquered the night to get his win. It may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it's the little moments that make life worth living. Because even if the music fades, the lights dim, and the decorations are no longer decorated, the magical impact you made in my life will forever be engraved.




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