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Justine Mace De Leon

Published: July 13, 2020

Covid19 disease continues its rampaging activities all throughout the world. The cage that contains it is still broken loose. People fear that it will linger longer even though experts continuously track the key that will confine it and ultimately finish it.          

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      Corona Virus or commonly known of its new kind CoVid-19 starts gaining reputation when a doctor from China named Li Wenliang warned the world about the new strain of this pandemic. It raises concerns from experts since different types of Corona namely Sars-CoV and Mers-CoV also infect millions globally in the last few years. It started its escapades in Wuhan, China slowly travelling to neighboring cities and ultimately reaching different countries. CoVid-19 disease has infected 2.4 million worldwide and has been currently infecting 205 thousand people daily. It is also quite lethally killing 6 thousand people daily with a total deaths of staggering 559 thousand. On the brighter side, 6.83 million infected individuals have already been recovered from terrifying catastrophe.

      At this point in time, CoVid-19 doesn’t have any approved cure yet nor vaccines for us to be immune. However scientists and experts alike are doing their best in creating one. Companies are currently racing to come up with a vaccine at the end of the year at the earliest. In fact, 17 potential vaccines are already in human trial and 132 vaccines are in pre-clinical trial. AstraZeneca, Cansino and Moderna from Oxford University are currently the leading vaccines which already reached the phase 3. If these vaccines will be proven successfully, these serums will be available and ready by late 2020 to early 2021.

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            On the other hand, the disease itself isn't the only obstruction in fighting CoVid-19. Researchers fear that distributing vaccines would post difficulties ranging from mass production to supplying worldwide. They also have to take into account if people will trust and accept vaccines especially considering that other people might intentionally hype mass fear. It should be remembered that even before CoVid-19 became a globally pandemic distress, people already theorized that it was intentionally released from one of Wuhan's laboratories and it still continues to allegedly considering it as China's biological weapon. However, further researches proven it to be false and not an artificial virus.
            Corona Virus seems like from a wild animal broken loose from a cage and it also ironically appears that we are the one ended up locked in prison due to we can't live the same as our previous daily life. Nevertheless, people from civilians to experts are currently giving all their shots even if they are quite scared and it won’t change until the keys are found.



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